GalerieExhibitionsANNA BOGOUCHEVSKAIA – Fallen Falls | Retrospective

ANNA BOGOUCHEVSKAIA – Fallen Falls | Retrospective

17 December 2023 till 10 March 2024

Anna Bogouchevskaia's sculpture is a geopolitical approach to themes at the interface between figuration and abstraction. It is the first collective exhibition of the German-Russian sculptor in Germany, which also presents her early work in dialogue with the works of the French-Russian artist Marc Chagall (1887-1985). Bogouchevskaia is the great-granddaughter of the German philosopher Karl Marx. Her family had always been connected to Chagall and his wife through her great-grandfather, who was a rabbi in Peskovatik, the former small town of Vitebsk in Belarus on the border with Russia. After the fall of the Iron Curtain, the artist moved to Berlin, where her transition to the centre of her artistic work increasingly turned to natural phenomena in her sculpture, such as the unifying element of water in its various aggregate states and manifestations.

Inspired by the French documentary film "Microcosmos" (1996), her current body of work increasingly shows sculptures of macroscopically enlarged drops of water. In the exhibition, her work block "Fallen Falls" will be shown for the first time as an exploration of climate change. She translates disappearing waterfalls around the world and the fleeting nature of the element of water into her sculptural language and this in bronze. Fleeting moments and natural phenomena of the Baltic Sea landscape, such as flower blossoms, fog, snow and clouds, permeate her work thematically and, in around 50 sculptures, personal objects and numerous photographs and drawings in five thematic rooms, offer visitors to the exhibition a view of flora and fauna that revives abstraction in the sense of a New Post-Impressionism and reveals astonishing things in a partial juxtaposition with works from the Kunsthalle collection.

Anna Bogouchevskaia, born in Moscow 1966, grew up in a family of sculptors. As a result, she became part of Moscow's artistic elite early on. At the age of nine, she began her art education at the Moscow Central Art School and then studied sculpture at the Moscow Surikov Art Institute. With a scholarship at the Russian Academy of Arts, she became a master student of the important Vladimir Yefimovich Zigal (1917-2013). Today, her works can be found in numerous museum collections, including the Tretyakov Gallery.




TO THE ARTIST: Anna Bogouchevskaia